What is Tatmeen?


Tatmeen leverages cutting-edge technology to enable comprehensive monitoring and tracing of pharmaceuticals and medical products throughout their entire lifecycle. By implementing this platform, the Ministry of Health and Prevention aims to ensure the authenticity, integrity, and safety of healthcare products, from manufacturing to distribution and consumption.

By leveraging Tatmeen, stakeholders across the pharmaceutical industry can achieve unprecedented visibility into the movement of medicines at every stage, from production to distribution and beyond. Through the implementation of robust tracking and tracing mechanisms, the platform enables real-time monitoring and verification of pharmaceutical products, ensuring their authenticity and integrity. It plays a crucial role in reducing the prevalence of counterfeit medicines by establishing a comprehensive system that tracks each pharmaceutical item, making it exceedingly difficult for fraudulent products to infiltrate the supply chain. By incorporating advanced technologies such as unique identifiers, serial numbers, and tamper-evident packaging, the platform provides an additional layer of security, safeguarding patients from potentially harmful and ineffective medications.


How serialization works?

The pharmaceutical industry experiences substantial financial losses each year, reaching billions of dollars globally, attributed to the impact of stolen or counterfeit products. To address this pressing challenge and prioritize consumer protection, the industry has proactively implemented pharmaceutical serialization as a crucial measure. This strategic move has significantly raised the bar for counterfeiters, making it increasingly difficult to produce fraudulent goods. However, it’s important to note that serialization alone represents just the initial phase in fortifying the pharmaceutical supply chain.

Through the utilization of Track & Trace mechanisms, stakeholders are equipped to closely monitor the movement of serialized products, ensuring their authenticity and secure delivery to intended destinations. This comprehensive approach plays a pivotal role in safeguarding consumer well-being, bolstering trust in the pharmaceutical industry, and protecting the reputation and financial interests of companies involved.


Tatmeen : How aggregation works? 

Aggregation stands as a cornerstone for maximizing product traceability, enabling companies to significantly reduce the scope of recalls and reimbursements. By precisely identifying and recalling only the specific batch or palle

The implementation of aggregation in the pharmaceutical industry revolutionizes track and trace capabilities, providing an exceptional level of efficiency and uniqueness. By simply scanning a single code on the largest packaging container, such as a batch or pallet, stakeholders gain access to comprehensive track and trace information for all the individual packaging units within it. This innovative approach not only streamlines stock management but also empowers companies to handle recalls and reimbursements with unparalleled ease and accuracy.


Aggregation: A Crucial Aspect for Pharmaceutical Companies’ Success


Enhanced Traceability

Aggregation allows pharmaceutical companies to establish a hierarchical relationship between individual units and larger packaging containers, such as cases or pallets. This enables efficient tracking and traceability of products throughout the supply chain.


Improved Inventory Management

By assigning unique identifiers to larger packaging units, aggregation enables better inventory management. Companies can easily identify the contents of cases or pallets without physically inspecting them, allowing for streamlined stock control and reducing the risk of errors or misplacement.


Regulatory Compliance

 Many countries and regulatory bodies require pharmaceutical companies to implement serialization and aggregation as part of their track and trace systems. Compliance with these regulations is essential to ensure patient safety, combat counterfeit drugs, and maintain regulatory compliance.


Supply Chain Efficiency

Aggregation enhances operational efficiency within the pharmaceutical supply chain. It simplifies the identification of missing units, reduces the time and effort required to track individual items within larger packaging units, and facilitates accurate and timely delivery of products to end consumers.


Counterfeit Drug Prevention

Aggregation plays a crucial role in combating the proliferation of counterfeit drugs. By assigning unique identifiers to each packaging level, it becomes more difficult for counterfeiters to replicate or alter product packaging. 


Product Authentication

Aggregation supports product authentication efforts, allowing healthcare providers and consumers to verify the authenticity of pharmaceutical products. By scanning or checking the unique identifiers at various packaging levels, stakeholders can ensure they are receiving genuine, quality-assured medications.