Your Trusted Partner for ASATEEL Certified OBU Installations

QAT GLOBAL stands as your certified Asateel OBU provider, delivering specialized assistance for Asateel registration and seamless GPS tracker integration with Asateel’s cutting-edge platform, among a host of other services and benefits.

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Enhanced Features

Our customers are consistently amazed by the remarkable software tools and features we offer.

Software Integrations

Our team of experts possesses the capability to seamlessly integrate with various third-party programs

Affordable Pricing

Our solutions offer some of the most competitive pricing in the market.

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The Significance of ASATEEL Certification

The Integrated Transport Center (ITC) has introduced the ASATEEL platform to enhance accountability, productivity, and safety in commercial transport within Abu Dhabi Emirate. This includes services such as freight, passenger buses, and school buses. All such services must be registered on the ASATEEL platform to obtain the Asateel Certificate and necessary permits.

ASATEEL serves as a comprehensive tool to oversee and manage all commercial fleets and operators in Abu Dhabi. It utilizes approved GPS Tracking Devices to monitor driver behavior and adherence to transport regulations, with a primary focus on passenger safety. The platform also clarifies the responsibilities of entities involved in this sector.

ASATEEL certification is a mandatory requirement for all transport companies operating in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Enrolling on the ASATEEL platform is a straightforward process for transport operators. 

Here’s how to do it: Just Follow!



Visit the ASATEEL portal at


Log in to your account and select your relevant business category (e.g., passenger transport or freight transport).


Upload the required documents and submit your application. Wait for approval from ITC.

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Once approved, you’ll receive a confirmation email containing your registration details. Operators can then access a range of services, including permits, GPS vehicle tracking, and more.